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Autcraft is now using Minecraft version 1.21.4!
Autcraft has officially passed 18,000 names on the list of approved players!
Autcraft will be hosting fireworks for New Years Eve starting at midnight in Australia, which will be 9am server time.
We will be doing fireworks each hour throughout the day so that everyone can watch fireworks at midnight no matter what time zone they're in.
Reminder that all players who join the Autcraft server on December 25th, midnight to midnight Eastern, will get a present from under the tree as well as the Autcraft 2024 sword.
We wish you a very merry, and safe Christmas, Hanukkah, and holiday season!
A Visit from St. Nicholas
'Twas The Night Before Christmas will be read on Autcraft again, as it is every year, on December 24th.
We'll be doing it 2 times this year in hopes that most people can be there.
Time #1: 5am Eastern (time zone conversion:
Time #2: 2pm Eastern (time zone conversion:
Online: 9 / 128
Version: BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.21.x