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Code of Authority

This is not a set of rules but rather, some general guidelines that Autcraft staff are to keep in mind while interacting with players. This code helps to set the tone as well as the standard by which all players should be treated.

This page serves as a reminder to staff as well as to everyone else that players are to be treated with respect, kindness, and compassion.

  • Some children will talk to you a lot. Let them. You may just be the only one who will listen.
  • Some children will ask a lot of questions. Let them. Encourage them. Curiosity is the mother of invention.
  • Let a child show you their work. Whether they've created the world from Lord of the Rings or made a dirt hut, be excited about it. It's their creation and they're proud and they want you to be proud too.
  • An autistic child is never "in trouble." They make mistakes. Help them learn from them. Show them how to do better.
  • It's easy to be an authority figure when you are in authority. It's harder to be a friend when you're an authority figure. What they need is a friend, especially when they're scared or feeling like they've upset or disappointed you.
  • Not all who are treated equally have an equal experience. Some will require a little extra effort, a little extra patience, and a little extra care. Focus on the outcome, not the method in getting there.
  • Behaviour expressed is often a reflection of behaviour received. Those who come to you with bad behaviour learned it from somewhere. It's not their fault. That doesn't mean you allow bad behaviour, you just don't blame them for it.
  • It's okay to have the lowest rank, it's not okay to have the highest rank. No one person should elevate themselves to a position above all. If anything, everyone, owner included, should have the lowest rank from time to time, to show that a rank isn't what makes someone special or important.
  • "Because I said so" is not a valid reason. People need to understand why things are how they are, especially autistic people. Take the time to explain. And if you can't explain, then say so. Tell them that there is a good reason and you'll try to find out what it is for them. The reason for this is that most people, especially children, feel like "Because I said so" or "Do as I say" is just another way of being told to "Shut up" and dismissed.
  • Sometimes a child has to get into an argument, sometimes they have to make mistakes, sometimes they have to lose a friend. You can try to help guide them but experience is the greatest teacher.
  • If something happening in game or by a player is bothering other players, then it's not up to us or anyone else to tell them not to be bothered. Action must be taken in some form such that no one has cause to be upset. 
  • Sometimes you can't help. It's not a failure on your part. Some players will come to you with problems that are greater than what you're capable of solving and we must concede that they are better off seeking professional help.