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This means that there are now 9 different types of wolves and there are now armadillos and wolf armor!
The update didn't go totally smoothly as our ShopKeepers and Hide and Seek are currently offline, but don't worry, nothing is lost. We'll get them back up and working asap.
For now, enjoy the new armadillos and wolves!
PS - For best functionality and to ensure the least issues, please connect to Autcraft with Minecraft 1.20.6.
️Please use 1.20.6 to avoid chat validation kicks.
so wait does that mean we're getting the new blocks is the survival server soon?
1.20.6 introduces new wolf variants and armadillos and wolf armor. If you're talking about all of the new copper blocks from the trial chambers, those will be coming in 1.21.
1 step closer to 1.21