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AAC, or Augmentative and Alternative Communication, is a plugin created by Autcraft to make basic communication more accessible. Players who are younger, not natively English speakers, or who simply struggle to use a keyboard, can now use the AAC for basic in game communication all with the click of a mouse instead.
The AAC has been undergoing testing with some of our players who use it quite regularly now. It has proven beneficial even when just overwhelmed and they struggle with even finding the words they want.
Once we are certain that all the bugs are removed and everything works how it should, Autcraft will be making this plugin publicly available for all servers. All of the options, text, icons, output, and more is fully customizable in a config file so any server in any language can adapt this plugin for use with their players.
It is our hope that this will help to give a voice to players on servers where they previously couldn't have one.
To get the AAC in game, type in /aac get, or simply find the dispenser we have set up at spawn that will just give you AAC tool with the press of a button.
This will also be good for VR users, I appreciate it! It's very slow to type using the Vivecraft chat keyboard.
That I had not thought of. I will have to try that out in the VC.
it is just teasing me with the player head
Y’all on bedrock too?
Everyone get my text?
Y’all on bedrock too?
Autcraft is JAVA only. I hope this helps :)
Running Two Miles First Requires Running One. ~ A Friend
I had quite difficulty communicating with some players who aren't as able to use the in-game chat as well as others, especially when it comes to new players.
Now this will help significantly break down that barrier and allow us to understand one another, even if you happen to be less verbal than others,
This is certainly a great accessibility feature.
Also, thank you for making this plugin available for everyone to use on their own server. I'm sure a lot of people will appreciate it.
I’m wishing this Minecraft on bedrock