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ideas for funfight but i know that links don't work Section 1: Funfight Rework Spawned Enemy Changes - NO PEST MOBS ex. endermites, silverfish, phantoms, baby zombies reason: adds no actual challenge, instead annoys the player with armor durability loss, chip damage, and knockback juggling - Enemies start in formation reason: This makes it so that the ranged mobs don’t instantly attack, which is usually a big annoyance, this also gives low-power players a better chance, but it makes it harder and supports longer fights. In addition, this means that if you are low health or your armor breaks, you will usually (at least during the start of the battle) be able to retreat without being manhunted - Mob griefing off reason: Withers and creepers instantly create chaos, ripping open holes in the map. This not only makes it harder for the players, with them falling into the holes, getting cornerlocked, and causing the water to group mobs up into a cell, but it also makes the map way more ugly, can stop a ton of mobs from attacking, and can make it very very VERY easy to lock a boss into a corner. - Minimal flying mobs (ESPECIALLY blazes) reason: This highly prioritizes players with the /fly command and is extremely annoying for everyone else, having to rely on others to eliminate them or having to deal with being constantly bombarded by enemies you can’t hit (I say this as someone with the /fly command, so I should be biased against this, but this is just so annoying) - No batmounteds reason: The erratic movement of bats is supposed to be outweighed by how easy they are to one-shot. But if you put something with a much bigger hitbox on the bat, the bat will be bodyblocked by the rider, and therefore is no longer oneshotable. This makes them extremely annoying to deal with. The following changes aren’t a big deal, per se, but would still make it more fun. Don’t focus on these unless you have extra time on your hands. - Mob combos reason: This adds true challenge and more enemies you can encounter. Ideas: Skeleton on zombie, skeleton on wither skeleton, trident drowned on guardian, creeper on hoglin, ect. - Speeders reason: The idea of a fast-moving enemy escorting a slower one is a good concept, but bats have no tracking and wander aimlessly. Instead, use a ground-based hostile entity, like a silverfish, as transfer. In this situation, they are much less annoying to take out, much more of a threat, and much less dependent on the contenders having /fly. - Lifelink reason: If you really want your bosses to spawn pest mobs, this is an alternative solution. Make it so that when the boss dies, the subjects do too. This is the default in most games, and for good reason. You should get a sense of closure after defeating a boss, not get juggled by its minions while you try to get its loot. - Projectile variations reason: This could make ranged mobs less boring. You could make, for example, skeletons that shoot fireworks, ghasts that throw tridents, or even chickens that launch eggs. - Overseers reason: every game does this. Minecraft dungeons has an “Enchanter” mob that buffs a target enemy until it dies, or a medic that heals units until you get rid of it. This might be hard to code, but another similar idea is a mob that controls a mob(s) that is more powerful than normal, with the controlled mob dying if the overseer does. 2. Boss changes Mini-section 1: The bosses are very, very boring. Yes. They are. I don’t think this is your fault, just limitations that are hard to get around. But there are a couple things you could do. - Generals and Main Bosses Usually, there are multiple bosses active at the same time. This is an issue. There are a couple of reasons for this, such as: 1. It makes it impossible to focus on one boss, because if all the bosses are just as hard, (which they usually are,) it’s not a good idea (in a game design perspective) to focus on one boss, as if there is a greater threat, the player will focus on taking that down instead. 2. This stops you from being able to use an unhittable phase, which is a common theme in boss fights, because it is usually accompanied by projectiles, and if a player is in melee with one boss while not being able to do anything about the projectiles of another, the player will get very, very annoyed. This is usually called a “bullet hell” and having to face hell while fighting a witch with 1000 health is not fun. 3. Greed. Yes, greed. Bosses only drop one head, and if you want to get the most, because heads are very useful, you will focus on the ones with lower health. This means there will usually be a boss left unchecked in the middle of nowhere. This could be solved by having 3 tiers of enemies: normal, (just default enemies you’d find in the resource worlds) which make up the grunt of the army, generals (stronger variants of the normal enemies) which there would be about 5 or so at one time, and bosses (you don’t really need the parentheses for this one) which there is only one of at a time. - The Head-and-Armor Syndrome Most bosses are normal mobs with a player or mob head, diamond or netherite armor, and a sword or trident, along with an unrealistic amount of health. This is the main cause of the boringness of the bosses. This is, in my mind, the biggest problem with funfight. Due to the Head-and-Armor syndrome, bosses are usually more of a pain to take out than a challenge. - Stats = Time, not Challenge Giving a boss more health does not make it harder. Making a boss do double damage or have double health does not make it harder, it just makes it more annoying to get rid of. This is known as artificial difficulty. This can be illustrated best in Terraria. Expert and Master mode do more than just increasing boss HP and damage, they, more importantly, change the attack patterns. This is also true in Infernum Mode (a mod) as the main difficulty is unanimously agreed to be the attack patterns. - What Is Loot Bosses drop their heads. That’s really all they’re good for. What if you already have the head? Well, maybe it’ll drop its armor? You already have max enchant netherite, why would you need that? What if bosses dropped rare resources? Say the Ocean Prince dropped sponges, the Spider King dropped spider eyes, the Nether King dropped ancient debris, and the Withers dropped Fragments? (mentioned later) That would add a lot more incentive to defeat the boss. - The Corner-camp How do you defeat the king of Minecraft nether? It’s simple. You shove him into a corner and smack him a lot. This- is, honestly, quite boring. If the boss gets stuck in a corner, it's usually GG. This makes the boss much more boring. So- what do you do? You make it teleport (or, the budget solution, wind charges.) This makes the fight much less boring. - Royalty This isn’t a gameplay thing, just a personal opinion. Why are all the bosses named just like ____ King, _____ Prince or _____ Queen? It’s kinda annoying. Mini-section 2: Behavior Bosses just kind of… exist. The biggest challenge is for the people directly attacking it. If you aren’t, it doesn’t really attack you. That’s because despite being the best the evil has, they are just as slow and stupid. (You can’t really do anything about the stupid part.) I have a couple ideas to fix this. 1. Stronger Bosses please don’t just give it more hp and damage Yes, I know that you think all your playerbase is 5-year-olds, but most people get diagnosed at around 10-15. They can handle a challenge. But no, I don’t want it to be only harder, so I would, to balance it out: 2. Aftermath Having to fight a horde, a general, and a boss at the same time is annoying. So instead, you could spawn the boss AFTER everything else is dead. This would help people focus on the boss, encourage teamwork, and make it much more manageable. 3. Features, Features, Features This is something you may have seen if you play other servers. The creative freedom command blocks give you is IMMENSE. This means that no matter how sure you are you can’t make an idea work, you can. 4. Phases Boss phases. They are a thing. Why do games use them? Well, because they are required for a fun boss. Even Minecraft uses them, in the Wither, for example. If you don’t have any boss phases, your boss will be very, very, boring. Every boss needs phases. So if you want to make your default zombie into a boss, it can’t act like a normal zombie, just running at you until it dies.
Hi, Thanks for your feedback on our wither fights. It has been passed on to AutismFather. This sounds like a real area of interest for you right now! Hope you get to do something productive with your knowledge and skills! :D FM
I am truly excited to delve deeper into the Autcraft community and learn about all the wonderful activities and events it has to offer. Could you please share the types of events and activities that are regularly hosted within the community? It would be great to know about any special events, weekly activities, or unique opportunities for members to connect and engage. Additionally, I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide information on the specific rules and guidelines that members are expected to follow. Understanding these will help me better integrate into the community and ensure that I am contributing positively and respectfully. Thank you so much for your time and assistance!
Hi Tyler, Our Wiki should have all the information you need there! We have a tab for events, one for rules, explanations on the history of the server and many other pages of useful information. We look forward to you joining us soon!
hi funmummy! merry christmas 🎄🎁🎅❄
Merry Christmas EncantoLoco!
hello. will my username be a problem if i use a server nickname and promise not to talk about the game at all?
Hi, that will be up to AutismFather to look into when he gets round to your application. Thanks!
alright, thank you. do you mind letting him know that if the username will be a problem, i have an alt named alvinbear, but i would prefer being on my main account? thank you again, and sorry for any trouble!
I have registered but cannot join, pls help..
Hi! You will need to wait up to two weeks for AutismFather to go through the applications and get you whitelisted. Thanks for your patience!
Hi i have a question: can i please become a title my Titel idea was Ant because ant´s are small, friendly and helpful. And i love Ant´s :)
i cant wait to join i have autsim this makes me happy ty
FunMummy, in the creative server, I've created an example of a floor that will be in the tallest base.
FunMummy, I realised that my food farm wasn't working. I showed my friends, and I gave them a full tour of the tiny base, but they wrecked everything, just because they thought I built it wrong. And now, I'LL HAVE TO START FROM SCRATCH!!!
Hello, I am aware of the situation. This is why getting areas protected is very important. If you come back on and do the modreq, we will be able to sort out what happened and get it protected :)
Hi there, trying to verify my son's account but seems /verify is not a recognised command - what are we doing wrong?
Hi, I can see you registered a few hours ago. All you need to do right now is be patient with us while AutismFather goes through the list of applications. Once he has added your son's account, you will receive an email which will allow you to log into the server and play the game. Thanks!


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