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Hello, we are just trying to apply as a family to join the server. We are an experienced bunch of minecraft players and we are hoping to help our son to make some friends here. Looking forward to seeing all the builds and redstone contraptions that have been created! :-)
Hi my name is subzero69 I have been playing minecraft for lil over 11 years and I am excited to see this server.i have never heard a server meant for players and their families with autism andnits meant for them specifically.i am extremely excited to join this server to meet you and the rest of the families and players on this server.i am proud that whoever made this server made it for ppl with autism I am extremely happy
I know I'm being impatient, but I applied for this server yesterday and it seems like some admin/helpers are on a lot of the time, but I still haven't been added to the whitelist.
NotSusVillager13 Yes Admins and helpers are online alot but your not the only whitelist and it can take up to two weeks to get whitelisted but it is worth the wait.
HOW long does it takes to get whitelisted?
Hallo! Seems like I did something wrong in my original application as it did not send me a verification email, so just wanted to let you know! Have a good day! - Blaze
Hi, how long will I be whitelisted soon?
I've been waiting for 2 weeks and I got no response that I got whitelisted!
Hi this server will really help me but I only have bedrock and I see that servers and having bedrock availability from them being java servers will you be able to do the same or if you could make a server for us bedrock only people
Hello! I completed the registration form a few days ago, I'm looking forward to playing with everyone.
I've been waiting for 2 weeks and I got no response that I got whitelisted!
Hey. I'd applied to join the server a few days ago and I'd checked the members list to see if there's any new players joined between when I'd applied and today, and some joined today. Can you apply me please?
I got banned i thinks its beacuse i sweard once is there a way to apel ? Also im really sorry i was just falling to my death in bedwars a got stressed Im really sorry
You were unbanned almost immediately after it happened. I saw it. You can rejoin at any time. Just try to be more careful in the future.


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about 1 month ago
11th Anniversary Resource Pack!

You can download our 11th Anniversary Resource pack here:

This pack was made for Minecraft version 1.20.4 but should work in most recent Minecraft versions even if it says its not made for it.

about 1 month ago
Not whitelisted


how long is the waiting period, i have waited 2 weeks and no email in my inbox has come.


You applied on June 8th. While more than 1 week, it's still less than 2.
I hope to get you and many others whitelisted in the morning (it's 5pm Sunday for me now)

about 1 month ago
Unable to Connect To Autcraft?


about 1 month ago
Unable to Connect To Autcraft?


Yes, the server has been updating ever since 1.5.2. It just takes time.

PaperMC (the server software we use) only just updated to 1.20.6 today. Which means it's not entirely bug free yet. Which also means now the plugins can start to update.

So we will update, but we can't just update the day that 1.20.6 is released by Mojang.

does that mean we get the new blocks?

There are no new blocks in 1.20.6. There's the armadillo and wolf armor variants. The new blocks from the trial chambers will be in 1.21 which Mojang hasn't even announced the release date for.

about 1 month ago
Unable to Connect To Autcraft?

Yes, the server has been updating ever since 1.5.2. It just takes time.

PaperMC (the server software we use) only just updated to 1.20.6 today. Which means it's not entirely bug free yet. Which also means now the plugins can start to update.

So we will update, but we can't just update the day that 1.20.6 is released by Mojang.